This is the story of our crazy little family.We do not claim to have it all worked out perfectly. We do not claim to be experts. What we do know is that everyday is a new adventure. Everyday there will be some tears, some laughter, some anger, some misunderstandings, some joy, some sorrow and a whole lot of happiness and love! That is how we know we are doing some things right!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sara is getting so big so quick

Sara's three month doctor appointment was a tad bit stressful this time around. Everytime we have gone to the doctors so far it has been a quick in and out in about twenty I made the decision to not feed Sara before we went to the appointment because she wasn't due to eat until about a half hour after the appointment began. Well let me tell you...that was a bad decision!!! She began to get cranky before we even got into the room to talk with the nurse!! Dave is not good with her crying in public...he gets all stressed and tries everything to make her stop and I get stressed cause I just want to help her. Plus on this particular appointment the person before us was asking every question known to man-kind and kept the doctor occuppied for like 40 minutes. So on a doctor's appointment that Sara was suppose to get shots and she normally cries at the end she was crying for the majority of the appointment because she was hungry and it was taking a very long time to get finished.

But an update from the appointment is that Sara now weighs 13lbs even. She is 23 1/2 inches lonng. She is still in the 75th percentile for her weight and the 50th percentile for her height and head circumference. I can't believe she is getting so big!!

Sara's latest thing is that she can roll over. If we put her on her stomach and help her position her arms so that she doesn't just fling them about, she flips over to her back. It is really cute to watch. Sometimes she gets really frustrated and pushes her face into either the carpet or the comforter (wherever she is laying) which is also really cute because she wants to be able to do something she just can't. There is nothing else really to update about but I am sure that will not last long.

Friday, January 22, 2010

3 Months and Counting

Well our little girl has reached 3 months old!! I can hardly believe it!! She is growing up so fast before our eyes....I know this will sound odd but she can do so much now that she was never able to do before! For instance she has started playing in her exer saucer seat more than ever...she realized that her hands can do more now other than just trying to stick her entire fist into her mouth. She is able to move the little toys around on the tray and hold onto things with such a grasp. It is amazing to watch and be a part of as her parents! She is going to her 3 month doctor appointment next week so updates as far as her growth will come next post but as of right now it is pretty cute how big she is getting. She has moved into the 3/6 month onsie outfits but she still can fit into some other outfits that are seperates because her legs are not very long!

In other news Dave and Coldstone are still doing well. It is not the busy season for the store but the company still does well selling the ice cream cakes, the ice cream cupcakes, and now they are making ice cream sandwiches. So hopefully that will help them during this slow time until it picks back up. I am still keeping busy working at Outback and occassionally subbing. I had gotten myself a bit angry with the Middletown schools because I had applied to positions and had no gotten the job or had not even gotten the interview...but Aunt Sue is keeping her eye out on the inside level for any possibilities I may have. So we will see what happens.

More updates to come!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We are so lucky to have families like ours....

I just wanted to take a minute to thank our families. You hear of all of these people who are single parents or new parents who do not get any support from family members but for Dave and I it is totally different. Our families are there for everything and anything we ask of them. It was nerve-racking having to go back to work at Outback because I knew going into it I needed to work 25 hours to continue to give us medical insurance...but at the same time that meant I was going to have to be away from Sara for long periods of time. This was very depressing and stressful for me as a new mother but thankfully we have families who will watch Sara whenever we ask them to. I also have a wonderful sister who is there for both Dave and I all the time but also for Sara. Kelli helps us run errands, change and feed Sara, as well as anything else that we might need as long as it means she can see Sara and spend time with her. Sara also loves spending time with her grandparents and her Aunt Kelli. We are very lucky that Sara goes happily with whoever we bring her too. She very rarely cries while we are not with her and when she does...we like to think it is cause she finally realizes we are not there with her and she just misses us or wants us. So a huge thank you goes out to all of our family members for everything they do for us to make our lives a little less stressful and alittle bit easier with Sara. Sara truely enjoys her time with you all and we appreciate how great you all are with her. Thank you!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The New Year Brings New Milestones!

Hooray for 2010! I can not believe that Sara is getting so big that she has already experienced her first new years. It seemed like when she was born I was saying I can't wait for her first holiday of Halloween and to dress up her up in all the cute "baby's first" we have blown threw four major holidays...time is flying! Sara must have sensed it was the new year and she needed to do something big for it...she brought in the new years night by sleeping from 1 til 7:30....6 and a 1/2 straight hours of sleep!!! Not only that she has continued on her new years resolution and has slept everynight since for about six straight hours!! Dave and I are very excited over this new sleeping choice!

Sara is definately coming into her own. She notices everything around her and has become much more alert (if that's even possible because she was already very alert) of her surroundings. She is smiling all the time when you talk to her...and she has even developed this cute little shriek that I think is her way of laughing! Her daily routine is also forming slightly. She has been getting up between 6:30 and 7:30, eats...usually is up for the next half an hour and then falls back asleep til about 10. Then she is ready for her day! Dave and I got Wii Fit Plus from Aunt Sara spends about an hour of her morning watching and laughing at Mommy trying to get her butt back in shape. Hopefully this firgid weather we are having outside won't last too much longer and we will be able to go on our walks again.

Sara is just a happy, content baby girl! We could not ask for a more perfect baby at this point...Dave and I are counting our blessings about how lucky we have gotten. This year has barely begun and it already holds such high standards for what is to come...we can not wait to watch Sara progress even more!