The school year is off and running and I knew I used to appreciate the work that teachers do but I truly appreciate the teaching position now more than ever. Oh boy is there a moment to breathe in this job! Between my crazy kid at home and my crazy group of kids at school I have my hands full and weighed down for that matter. I do not know what part I am more overwhelmed with...creating the lessons or actually performing them accureately as I envisioned them in my head after all the work of preparing them.
I am working with a brand new teacher to public schools. I am extremely thankful for that because I feel as though I am in the same boat as she is and that we are learning things and solving problems together. It has been a blessing! School has started off on a great note thus far. I am getting to know the kids, completing all necessary paperwork on time, and enjoying working with individuals in the schools. However I did already have a run in with the drama of teaching. Hoenestly I have never seen individuals more driven on drama and complete bs for lack of better terms than the individuals who sit in the teachers lounge and moan and complain. Everyone in that room has a comment about everything and everyone and I thought I was above that as well as avoiding it as much as possible until this past week I was dragged within it.
Basically I was made a mockery of a situation due mostly in part for being a newby and older teachers wanting to try and make me feel the pecking order. But thank goodness for the advice of a few colleagues as well as support from my mentor I survived the situation with my dignity in tack and my head held high. All in all it was a learning experience and a challenge that I had to overcome. I am rather proud of myself after all is said and done.
On a different note Sara is still her crazy self. We are trying really hard to get Sara to become comfortable with the potty. We try putting her on numerous times throughout the day just to get her to use to the process of it all however she is hating every bit of it. She is big now into telling everyone that "Sara no potty, no pee pee." She is trying to prove she is the boss...little does she know her Daddy has definitely different plans for her...hahaha! Updates soon!